🌹 Ashtavakra Gita - Chapter 1 - Teaching of Self-Realization - Verse 9 - Burn the forest of ignorance with the fire of "I am pure consciousness," and live liberated. 🌹
🍀 3. Antahkarana Shuddhi – Purification of the Mind 🍀
✍️ Prasad Bharadwaj
In this video, we explore the 9th verse of Chapter 1 from the Ashtavakra Gita, which teaches the essence of Self-Realization. Learn how to purify the mind and overcome the mental suffering and burn the forest of ignorance with the fire of "I am pure consciousness" and live a liberated, sorrow-free life. In silence, it begins to recognize its true nature – pure, unchanging, and eternal consciousness.
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