From the Heart
Shiva Sutras - Part 1 - Shambhavopaya - 14th Sutra. -Drushyam Shareeram. - The body is the visible self. It houses the true self, which is invisible.
Shiva Sutras - Part 1 - Shambhavopaya - 13th Sutra. - Ichhaa Shakti Umaa Kumari. - The yogi's will is the radiant energy of Lord Shiva. Radiance is Umaa, and willpower is Kumari
Shiva Sutras - 1 - 12th Sutra. Vismayo Yoga Bhumikah - Astonishment and Delightful is the Turiya State. This Transcendental State fills the Yogi with Divine Sensations.
Shiva Sutras, Part 1 - Shambhavopaya - 11th Sutra: Tritaya Bhokta Vireshah - As the master of the mind and senses, Shiva enjoys the bliss of the three states of consciousness.
Siva Sutras - Part 1 - Sambhavopaya - 10th Sutra : Aviveko Maya Susuptam - Deep Sleep is Maya, The State of Ignorance.
Siva Sutras - Part 1 - Sambhavopaya - 9th Sutra : Svapno Vikalpaḥ - Dreaming is free ranging of thoughts. Dream is Fancy or Imagination.
Siva Sutras - Part 1 - Sambhavopaya - 8th Sutra : Jhnaanam Jagrat - 'The knowledge that arises from active wakefulness is jagrat jhnaanam. It is the root perception with the characteristics of duality
Shiva Sutras - 1- Sutra 4 : The foundation of knowledge is the letters granted by the divine mother
Siva Sutras - 1-3. "Yoni vargaḥ kala Sariram,"
Shiva Sutras - 002 - 1.2. Jnanam Bandhaḥ : "Limited knowledge creates bondage."
Shiva Sutras -1.Chaitanyamatma - The Supreme Consciousness is the reality of everything.